The Plumb Line

Mercy Drops: The One with Helen

October 24, 2019 The Cats Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode we start a new mini series called 'Mercy Drops'. We are going to be talking to a few people whose stories give us a little glimpse of God's mercy working for the good of all of those he loves. We start with our good friend, Helen who shares her story of how mental health has impacted her childhood and family. Helen is one of our favourite people; a powerhouse of organisation albeit in quite an unconventional way, a teacher, mathematician, minister's wife, mum of 3 and lover of lists. We invite you into the car this week to hear the 'mercy drop' of a faithful God.

Plumb crumble recommendations
Helen recommends the book Choosing Love in a Broken World by Heidi Johnston

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